On Age1999, accounts are free therefore no registration is required.

  1. Download Age1999 official installer HERE (alternative link)
  2. Download UOSteam or Orion or Razor Enhanced or MobileUO [Android/iOS] (those third party applications are required to login)
  3. Before login, setup UOSteam or Orion otherwise the client will be disconnected: 


Setup UOSteam:


Setup Orion:

Add a new profile and edit the information as following:

Once login, it's advised to disable the feature "add paperdoll slots" to avoid overlapping effects with the existing paperdoll slots 


Setup Razor Enhanced:

Add a new profile and edit the information as following:



Setup MobileUO:

Open your MobileUO application on your device, click "new custom configuration" and fill as per following: